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Are you a tourist holidaying in Italy?

Discover the offers dedicated to tourists. Carefree surfing and calling all around Italy.

Info about 5G and unlimited traffic conditions. info

Activation and SIM included

100 GIGA

  • Unlimited minutes to Italy
  • 100 minutes to 53 countries
  • 19 GB in the European Union
  • 3 GB in Switzerland


,99 €

for 30 days

Activation and SIM included

200 GIGA

  • Unlimited minutes to Italy
  • 100 minutes to 53 countries
  • 32 GB in the European Union
  • 3 GB in Switzerland


,99 €

for 60 days

Unlimited voice and/or data according to the conditions of use and limitations provided.
Navigate in 5G with a compatible device and
5G WINDTRE coverage.

Why choose the WINDTRE Tourist SIM card?

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Quick and easy activation

Head to your nearest WINDTRE Store. Choose your offer and activate your Tourist SIM card in just a few minutes. Receive the confirmation SMS then you can start using the included GIGA and minutes immediately.

icona nessun vincolo - offerta connessioni - WINDTRE

No limitations

The SIM will be automatically deactivated at the end of the validity period.

icona logo 5G - offerte connessioni - WINDTRE

We make every experience truly special

WINDTRE’s 5G is continuously growing. Indeed, we already cover 97.10% of the population.

assistenza - offerta - WINDTRE

Dedicated Customer Service

The WhatsApp assistance service for customers born abroad is available at this number +393929332224.